

Go within every day and find the inner strength so that the world will not blow your candle out.

Katherine Dunham

Individual Coaching

based on your results (Top 5 of 34)

We can connect f2f, via WhatsApp, Zoom or other platforms. You decide how many sessions are needed – from one meeting to several sessions or a pre-defined coaching package.

name it

Identify what this theme means to you. Think about whether the theme description describes you.

What words or phrases in a theme description strongly resonate with you?

claim it

Appreciate the unique power and value you have and bring to others. Consider how each theme helped you make things happen and how you applied it to your relationships.

When and how did this theme help you be successful in the past?

aim it

Intentionally practice using and developing this set of talents. Exercise your talents to help you focus on specific action items to achieve a goal.

In what two ways could you start using this theme more intentionally tomorrow?

Strengths-Based Workshops

It’s recommended to dedicate ~8h or 2x 4 hrs for such a team workshop.

The four phases


introduction to CliftonStrengths


the power of Strengths-Based Partnerships


explore the Team’s Strengths


the best of US (our strengths in action)